Sunday, 15 May 2011

Welcome to my Sketchbook =D

Hi all,

I finally kept my promise of starting a blog...As much as I appreciate everything I have shared, achieved and learned in social websites, I grew slightly bored with the mechanics and the focus of these sites. Art should be about absolute freedom of expression and ingenuity, not a popularity contest and definitely not a celebration of Commercial Media (Disney, Videogame-related art, etc.) They already get enough exposure as it is - why give 'em more, and for free!!??

To be fair, I know I started drawing at young age influenced by TV, Movies and Cartoons, but at the moment I feel there is so much more out there to explore...I am defintitely ready to move on and embrace the world of Drawing with capital "D". I want to try all traditional tools, draw the good the bad and the ugly - Bring it on!

One thing I've been doing recently is attending to Life drawing classes - I didn't want to join in the beginning but I was enticed by the free drinks and sandwiches at the end of the session. I will write about these in  my next post  :)



  1. hiya!
    Just logged in to da(double l 46)and logged straight back out again cos i took one look at the amount of things i hadn't looked at and got too lazy to go thru them all,but not before i read you had a blog,so i thought i'd check it out while i have 5 mins off from my screaming baby.
    Looks like the life drawing was pretty fruitful in terms of improving techniques and embellishing your already keen eye for a beautiful composition.

    will check back from time to time to check out what you've been up to,you have a great skill with words,so i'll look forward to reading more when i get a few seconds peace!


  2. Hells Yeah niichan. Show them how its done! If you are unbound from the shackles of polygons and smartboards they'll never have a hold on you. Best of luck in this new endeavor. I'm sure the results will come soon enough!

  3. Is that you? If so, it's just like I imagined you to be.
