Thursday, 26 May 2011

Final Drawing Class - What I brought back home...

Last week we had our final Life Drawing class. I gotta say I truly enjoyed the course and I brought back home more than just a bunch of drawings and sketches...I learned a lot about Art, the world around me and myself.

The last class in itself was Pastel Techniques and Charcoal. we also did a bunch of quick sketches: these are a really good way to train the eye and I am considering to do as much of this as possible. Here's my favourite piece from the session along w/ some of my classmate's pieces (mine in the centre):

As I said before, I learned quite a lot about Art itself - New techniques like Wash and new things about Pastels and composition in general. I also learned to work with a model, something I was not too keen on before.

During the course I learned the importance of observation. My attention span has always been really poor and dispersed and forcing myself to observe at the model for a whole minute was a frustrating exercise. My eye wanted to wander, I was thinking about work, distracted by raindrops hitting the window, but I managed to find some focus through the course and by the last session I could really get on-task.

Another thought on observation...every time a model walked in I thought "god, what a get-up" as all the models had this punky-bohemian outfit and weird hairstyle (one of them had  80% of her hair clipped but this long, matted fringe). But as the drawing session progressed I started to pick up gestures, the expression of the eyes and even found "muffin tops" beautiful and fun to draw. I see a lot of perfect breasts in Comics and other media, but I challenge artists out there to draw sagging breasts and hanging bellies: these will make you an artist as they force you to draw the reality of what is in front of you -  not what you imagine or have seen somewhere else. Feet, hands and drapery are really tough...but there is a huge sense of achievement once you pull of something convincing.

A couple of things I learned about myself through the course...First, that I am too impatient; always dashing for the finishing line and stepping all over the details, pretty much like a St. Bernard plowing through a tulip garden. I need to slow down, relax and enjoy the moment a bit more. Second, I learned that I am unconsciously too proud. Looking through the drawings I did in the class, I saw my signature getting bigger and bigger. The last one was almost as big as the sketch. I never thought about it but I suddenly felt really stupid and embarrassed.

A few years ago, I learned in Egyptian Mythology class that in writing, only the names of Pharaohs and Gods get inscribed in cartouches ( I'll keep doing it because I got used to it, but I am definitely no Ra, not even a fully proficient Artist. As an extension of this, maybe the artist's name is not important, just the message and execution of the piece - this is what I should definitely focus on, using everything I learned.

Oh, and Desso: Thanks for the wine and sandwiches ; )

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Life Drawing Classes

Hi guys,

As I mentioned before I have been going to drawing classes recently. It was not something I was planning to take on but it was one of these opportunities that present themselves suddenly.

A month ago I got an e-mail at work saying that a volunteer was needed to fill in for someone at one of these Life Drawing classes near Barbican. I cannot count with my fingers how many times I have been presented with opportunities like these and they usually led me to important things. Life drawing, free drinks and socializing...sounded like my kinda evening so I said yes.

The classes are offered by a company called Desso in their showroom and they are part of an initiative called Drawing At Work that aims at helping design professionals get back in touch with the fundamental drawing skills that we have lost over the years to the PC revolution of recent decades.

The first session was about finding volumes and observing while sketching in a given amount of time - I found this session very forgiving because it was with Conte Crayon, which is something I am really into right now. One thing that amazed me was the model's ability of striking a pose and keeping it for 5 minutes...I was in pain just thinking about it. Here's the fruit of that session:

When I started drawing in my first session, I was very rigid and a bit sarcastic about the whole thing, but as I started to define some shapes, I suddenly found myself absorbed into the piece...I felt a release with every stroke of my charcoal and by the end I felt like I just finished an hour long run.

The third session was about light and shadow and we used some washes. I found this really challenging as I am crap at wet media usually. Below, the results of the session:

I think the most important thing I have learned in this sessions is to let go: in order to truly learn and grow as an artist you have to take anything you do as a casual sketch. If you get too serious and caught up, you arrest your development. I reflect at times how much this applies to everything in life...

Welcome to my Sketchbook =D

Hi all,

I finally kept my promise of starting a blog...As much as I appreciate everything I have shared, achieved and learned in social websites, I grew slightly bored with the mechanics and the focus of these sites. Art should be about absolute freedom of expression and ingenuity, not a popularity contest and definitely not a celebration of Commercial Media (Disney, Videogame-related art, etc.) They already get enough exposure as it is - why give 'em more, and for free!!??

To be fair, I know I started drawing at young age influenced by TV, Movies and Cartoons, but at the moment I feel there is so much more out there to explore...I am defintitely ready to move on and embrace the world of Drawing with capital "D". I want to try all traditional tools, draw the good the bad and the ugly - Bring it on!

One thing I've been doing recently is attending to Life drawing classes - I didn't want to join in the beginning but I was enticed by the free drinks and sandwiches at the end of the session. I will write about these in  my next post  :)